About Us
Loving God & Loving People - Luke 10:27

Revolution Church has a huge heart for the lost and destitute of our time. We love God and love people and believe that the Gospel of Jesus Christ needs to be spread to everyone, everywhere. We are a spirit filled church that is "outside of the box" in the way we worship, preach, and live. We value community, diversity, and being multi-racial. Church, to us, is about being a family of people that genuinely care for one another. We are not religious, we are not traditional, and we are not about building our own kingdom. We are relational, we are relevant, and we are all about building the Kingdom of God.
Our Vision |
Revolution Church exists to reach the lost with the Gospel of Jesus Christ so they can become fully devoted to God and His mission.
Our Mission |
To reach out to the community and equip the church to live out their purpose for the Kingdom of God.
Our Philosophy |
Jesus loves us all and His Holy Spirit changes us from the inside out. We are to love God and love people. The Word of God is our standard, So we speak the Truth in love.
Core Values
Preaching the Word |
The Bible is the Word of God. It is our standard for Truth. We believe it is powerful, life changing, and necessary for our Faith.
Relevant Worship |
Expressing our thanks and praise to God in various ways like: Songs, music, art, dance, and so on.
Building Relationship |
Effective ministry is done through relationship: this is how we build community, accountability, and safety.
Building Up Believers |
A commitment to learn and grow in relationship together are important for discipleship. We do this by offering teaching in home groups and Sunday School. Our hope is that all would be mentored and then released into their calling.
Evangelism |
Serving our community helps open the door for relationship and evangelism. We believe it is relevant and commanded of the Lord to proclaim the Gospel and be the Gospel.
Jesus came and said to them, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you, and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age". (Matthew 28:19)